Wit, Wisdom & Whizbang

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How do you name a blog?

How does a marketing communications agency name its own blog? It asks employees to provide ideas.

In our case, we held a contest. It was nothing fancy, but we did offer a couple of incentives. The winner would receive a Visa® gift card and bragging rights. Believe it or not, it was enough to garner more than 40 entries from 13 employees.

Entries had to reflect the following attributes:

  • Our agency culture of integrity, professionalism and depth.
  • The blog style, which will be quirky, smart and share AMPM’s point of view.

We collected a variety of names, but one name received the most votes: Wit, Wisdom & Whizbang! Our brand strategist, Greg Branch, provided the winning entry. We’re not sure what he did with the gift card, but he’ll always have those bragging rights.

We hope you like the name as much as we do. It certainly encompasses what we’ll deliver in future blog posts. We think it’s pretty catchy, too.


Julie FosterJulie Foster

Account Executive

While the majority of Julie’s experience is in the marketing and advertising field, she’s blundered her way through roles for which she felt extremely out of her element: makeup artist, costume designer and props master.

Lindsay HenryLindsay Henry

Lindsay Henry has over 12 years of communications and professional writing experience across several industries. Her keen understanding of the written word and establishing voice through copy is a major asset in achieving key communication objectives with clarity and creativity.

Greg BranchGreg Branch

When Greg started writing advertising, state-of-the-art meant sticks and clay tablets. For over 40 years, he never seemed to run out of new ways to say things. Greg unexpectedly passed away in 2019 after serving as AMPM’s brand strategist for eight years. His quick wit, gentle demeanor and talent with words is sorely missed, but we are all grateful to have worked with and called him our friend.

Julie BattleJulie K. Battle

There are few roles Julie hasn’t held in the advertising agency business. Everything from copywriter, account executive, creative director, film director, agency owner and several she won’t admit to.

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