Are you fully baked?
- Thursday, 27 October 2016 17:23
- Written by Julie K. Battle
I follow Seth Godin. He writes simple, quick blog articles. I don’t always subscribe to his thinking, but more often than not, he gives me something to chew on. Recently, he wrote a blog called, “Fully baked.” It was about people he called knowledge workers – those who go to meetings, are in marketing, or are perhaps lawyers or accountants. He indicated that most knowledge workers act as if they are “fully baked.” Meaning they no longer seek out training or higher learning. They know what they know. Or in the words of an emphatic toddler, “All done!”
I don’t believe I know any of these people. And if I did, I’m pretty sure it would be a short relationship.
Being fully baked is boring. Even the term half-baked is more desirable. If something is half-baked – like an idea – someone has at least stretched the limits of normalcy, they’ve given tried-and-true a colorful twist.
Organizations need people who are constant learners. People with half-baked ideas who are constantly scratching out a new path. Curious, questioning knowledge workers who scan their world for new information or never-seen-before connections. People who ask why. And when they present a potential new way, are greeted with a curious “why not?” not a grump-faced “sounds complicated.”
Resist the urge to be fully baked. Go for more. Don’t settle.
Stand under your half-baked banner with a confident and knowing grin.